Great Barrier Reef

Why is the Great Barrier Reef dying?

Great Barrier Reef


An underwater wonderland, bursting with colourful fish and stunning coral life. The Great Barrier reef is the largest living thing on earth, so enormous it is visible from outer space. But this incredible reef is in danger, with half the coral dying in the past two years. This paradise of biodiversity is in peril, but what is affecting the reef such an extreme amount?

The Great Barrier Reef is ancient, estimated to be 500,000 years old. Yet, current issues are affecting the reef, causing the death of some parts, never to heal again. This issue is Climate change. Climate change is caused by the greenhouse gas effect. Due to the increase of the human’s energy use, greenhouse gas’ emissions have increased, overloading the planet and affecting the temperature. This has resulted in the sea ice melting, extreme temperate shifts, as well as a natural disaster increase.

So how is it affecting the Reef? Coral plays a huge role in the reef’s sustainability, as it is a haven and home for most life found there. Both the temperature shifts and the concentration of carbon dioxide caused by Climate Change have negatively influenced coral. A rise in the water temperature has made an unstable environment for the fragile corals, causing the coral to bleach and die. This destruction will affect all marine life at the Great Barrier Reef, causing the slow decrease in underwater species.

Due to an ongoing effect, without a change in greenhouse gas’ admission, the Great Barrier reef could be completely devastated soon. This will cause a lot of marine species to either diminish or go completely extinct.

How can you help the reef?

Supporting the organisations that aim to preserved and save the reef is a major aid that any individual can take part in. Sadly it is not just climate change that is affecting the ocean as waste disposal and over-fishing is playing a huge role in the decrease in marine life. See the easy day-to-day suggestions that can help stop this. Follow the three R’s, Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse. Try to choose seafood that is sustainable, to help with the threatened species getting over poached.

What is there to see now?

Despite the dangers of the Great Barrier Reef face, the wonderland still exists. There is still plenty of wildlife thriving, with colourful coral still existing in areas. Due to the continual destruction, a great time to go to the reef is now! See the Great Barrier Reef in its prime. Join a Great Barrier reef tour to learn more about the marine life and what we can do to help. We all hope we can save this incredible area, but until then hop aboard to discover the colour world as tragically it may not be the same in thirty years.

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Great Barrier Reef Facts